Bread: from ordinary to good

Results and lessons from campaign “Bread, good story. With grain from Europe”

In the strategic endsession, the Dutch Bakery Centre and Institute Bread & Health presented the food trends and how they have been responded to within the campaign. Results and lessons were shared. How do we correctly talk about bread as a healthy, sustainable, protein-rich, plant-based and affordable product? Read more here

From Europe, with grain

Bread has been seeing a return among consumers’ favorites lately. The main obstacles in the way of further market growth still come from the way it is perceived. To educate consumers, a multi-national, targeted campaign addressed the source of the problem. And it works.

Read the full article published in Baking Biscuit here. Read more

We do not eat enough wholegrain products; this is how you will consume enough

Wholegrain is healthy. Nevertheless it is massively under consumed. Two professors in nutrition explain why it is important to consume wholegrain products and how you make sure that you will.

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Researcher Peter Weegels: “Bread can be called a superfood.”

Bread is important for a sufficient intake of nutrients like fibers, protein, vitamins and minerals. In the future it will take an important place in the diet. This comes forward in recently published scientific research.

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Bread is more often consumed outside the house

The total bread consumption in the Netherlands in 2018 decreased less than 1%. This is significantly different compared to the past years in which the yearly decrease was 3%. The Dutch Bakery Centre (NBC) is pleased with this positive trend.

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Diabetes prevention: focus on wholegrain!

An elaborate Swedish study showed that, out of all categories, wholegrain has the greatest potential of reducing diabetes type 2 risks.

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Driejarige imagocampagne ‘Brood. Goed verhaal.’ van startCampagne ‘

Wageningen 1 februari 2018 – In maart zal de driejarige imagocampagne ‘Brood. Goed verhaal.’ van start gaan in Nederland en België. De brede communicatiecampagne is het resultaat van een unieke samenwerking tussen de Nederlandse en Belgische bakkerijbranche en heeft als doel om het volume van de broodconsumptie te stabiliseren. De campagne wordt gefinancierd met steun van de Europese Unie en door een bijdrage van de verschillende brancheorganisaties.

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Proeverij van start

Wageningen 1 februari 2018 – In maart zal de driejarige imagocampagne ‘Brood. Goed verhaal.’ van start gaan in Nederland en België. De brede communicatiecampagne is het resultaat van een unieke samenwerking tussen de Nederlandse en Belgische bakkerijbranche en heeft als doel om het volume van de broodconsumptie te stabiliseren. De campagne wordt gefinancierd met steun van de Europese Unie en door een bijdrage van de verschillende brancheorganisaties.

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